LOOPS.LISBOA is one of the only visual arts gatherings in the world dedicated exclusively to exploring the possibilities of loop.
In 2015, the initial idea of organizing a festival dedicated to the Loop form was suggested by Irit Batsry upon an invitation by António Câmara Manuel, Director of Festival Temps D’Images Lisboa and Duplacena. Alisson Avila joined Loops.Lisboa’s core team later that year and The National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC became a partner, presenting each year the works of the finalists of a national competition. A professional jury gave a monetary award to a selected work.
In 2019 Loops.Lisboa initiated the creation of Loops.Expanded – an international network that i includes: Mario Gutiérrez Cru (PROYECTOR, Madrid – Spain); Sandra Lischi (Ondavideo, Pisa – Italy); Tom Van Vliet (WWVF, Amsterdam – Netherlands); Jaqueline Beltrame and Alisson Avila ( Cine Esquema Novo collective, Porto Alegre – Brazil and Irit Batsry (Loops.Lisboa/Festival Temps D’Images/Duplacena in Lisbon – Portugal.
The National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC
October 14th, 2015 – January 4th, 2016
* O Retrato de Ulisses, by João Cristóvão Leitão
Cascade, by João Pedro Fonseca
Travel Shot, by Francisca Manuel and Elizabete Francisca
Selection Jury: Irit Batsry, António Câmara Manuel
Award Jury: Emilia Tavares (president), Conrado Uribe, Alisson Avila
December 7th, 2016 – February 5th, 2017
Zootrópio by Tiago Rosa-Rosso Carvalhas
Laje Branca by Pedro Vaz
Today, I am just a butterfly sending you a sentence* by Patrícia Almeida
Selection Jury: Irit Batsry, Alisson Avila, António Câmara Manuel, David Cabecinha.
Award Jury: Emilia Tavares (president), Gary Hill, Miguel Rios
December 5th, 2017 – February 4th, 2018
Delphine Aprisionada by Ricardo Pinto de Magalhães
The Falls by Nuno Cera
2017 Personaloop_01 by Tomaz Hipólito
Selection Jury: Irit Batsry, Alisson Avila, António Câmara Manuel
Emilia Tavares (president), Jesse James, Jorge La Ferla
November 30th, 2018 – March 2nd, 2019
* That Old Question About Sound and Image by João Bento.
The Guaraniy (Right and Left) by Leticia Larin.
The Blue Period by Mané
Selection Jury:Irit Batsry, Alisson Avila, António Câmara Manuel
Emilia Tavares (president), Isabel Nogueira, Sandra Lischi.
December 12th, 2019 – March 1st, 2020
This editions marks the founding of Loops.Expanded with the exhibition of two seminal works:
Anemic Cinema by Marcel Duchamp (1926)
Good Boy Bad Boy by Bruce Nauman 1985 (courtesy of The World Wide Video Foundation)
Between 2015 and 2019 traveling Exhibitions of selections from Loops.Lisboa were shown in several cities including Ponta Delgada, Madrid, Coimbra and Lille through partnerships with festivals Walk and Talk, PROYECTOR and Citemor, and with Heure Exquise!

Periodo Azul

O Guarani (direita e esquerda)
Letícia Larín

Aquela velha questão do som e da imagem
João Bento

2017 personaloop_01
Tomaz Hipólito

Delphine Aprisionada
Ricardo Pinto de Magalhães

The Falls
Nuno Cera
Laje Branca
Pedro Vaz

Today, I am just a butterfly sending you a sentence
Patrícia Almeida
Tiago Rosa-Rosso