Tânia Carvalho, Vera Suchánková
Tânia Carvalho, coreógrafa-cantora, volta a inspirar-se na poesia de Patrícia Caldeira, uma fonte de imagens inesgotável.
Conta ainda com a colaboração de Vera Suchánková, que responde pela banda sonora tocando ao vivo theremin, um instrumento que usa o simples movimento das mãos em contacto com o ar para gerar sons a partir de um campo magnético.
Gosto de escolher poemas e deixar-me inspirar por eles. As palavras proporcionam criar imagens que mais ninguém vê.
“Show Off
I just want to shout in silence
Do you hear my mouth shut?
I just want to shout in silence
To show off.
I am dancing like a stone.
Do you see me rock?
Rocks dance to show off.
To show off nothing in particular.
Nothing in particular
Particles of nothingness
I am nothing
Just to show off
I want to sing no song.
And singing this contradictions
Makes me remember
I want nothing at all.
Do you see me disappearing?
A tiny dot in your memory.
Do you see me disappearing?
Forgetting into nothingness.
Just to show off
Nothing in particular.”
Patrícia Caldeira
Escolho este texto porque com este crio na minha cabeça as mais confusas e intrigantes imagens, as quais preciso de explorar. Colaboro neste projeto com uma thereminista, a tocar ao vivo. Escolhi o theremin por ser um instrumento tocado no ar, como se não existisse, como que tocado em silêncio, como diz no texto “shout in silence / do you hear my mouth shut? Particles of nothingness… do you see me disappearing?” Começamos por explorar o “nothingness”, ou seja, um lugar onde tudo é possível. E a partir daí foram aparecendo ideias, associações, contaminações, etc.
Tânia Carvalho
Ficha técnica
Direção e Coreografia Tânia Carvalho
Thereminista e Cocriadora Vera Suchánková
Intérpretes Tânia Carvalho, Vera Suchánková
Banda sonora Vera Suchánková, Handel, Bach, A. Caldara
Poema Patrícia Caldeira
Desenho de luz e Direção técnica Anatol Waschke
Figurinos Aleksandar Protisch
Adereços Vera Suchánková, Tânia Carvalho
Vídeo Nothingness
Edição de vídeo Paulo Azinhaga
Baixista (gravação) Zeca Iglésias
Produção Bomba Suicida
Apoios DuplaCena/Festival Temps d’Images, O Espaço do Tempo e Culturgest
Tânia Carvalho, Vera Suchánková
Tânia Carvalho, a singer-choreographer, returns to draw inspiration from the poetry of Patricia Caldeira, an inexhaustible source of images.
It also counts on the collaboration of Vera Suchánková, who responds by the soundtrack playing a theremin live, an instrument that uses the simple movement of the hands in contact with the air to generate sounds from a magnetic field.
I like to choose poems and let myself be inspired by them. Words create pictures that no one else can see.
“Show Off
I just want to shout in silence
Do you hear my mouth shut?
I just want to shout in silence
To show off.
I am dancing like a stone.
Do you see me rock?
Rocks dance to show off.
To show off nothing in particular.
Nothing in particular
Particles of nothingness
I am nothing
Just to show off
I want to sing no song.
And singing this contradictions
Makes me remember
I want nothing at all.
Do you see me disappearing?
A tiny dot in your memory.
Do you see me disappearing?
Forgetting into nothingness.
Just to show off
Nothing in particular.”
Patrícia Caldeira
I choose this text because with this I create in my head the most confusing and intriguing images, which I need to explore. I collaborate on this project with a thereminist, playing live. I chose the theremin for being an instrument played in the air, as if it did not exist, as if it were played in silence, as it says in the text “shout in silence / do you hear my mouth shut? Particles of nothingness … do you see me disappearing?” We begin by exploring the nothingness, that is, a place where anything is possible. And from there, ideas, associations, contaminations, etc. appeared.
Tânia Carvalho
Direction and Choreography Tânia Carvalho
Thereminist and Co-creator Vera Suchánková
Interpreters Tânia Carvalho and Vera Suchánková
Soundtrack Vera Suchánková, Handel, Bach, A. Caldara
Poem Patrícia Caldeira
Lighting design and Technical direction Anatol Waschke
Costumes Aleksandar Protisch
Props Vera Suchánková and Tânia Carvalho
Video Nothingness
Editing Paulo Azinhaga
Bass (recording) Zeca Iglésias
Production Bomba Suicida
Support DuplaCena/Festival Temps d’Images, O Espaço do Tempo and Culturgest