Experiencing Video Art in the Azores Archipelago

FUSO INSULAR is launched in 2019 with the intention of surmounting an existing gap in the artistic panorama of the Azores, concerning the knowledge and the training in the area of the moving image. The objectives of FUSO INSULAR are focused on fostering artistic creation among the young people in the Azores, making new contents available to a wider audience, while at the same time promoting Portuguese video art. The festival is divided into two moments: the Residency Programme Moving Image Lab, dedicated to stimulating the creation of new works in video, and the Video Art Screenings, with material selected by national and international curators.

The Moving Image Lab is aimed at the Azorean community interested in the cinematographic art. Its objective is the creation of video works and the reflection on the moving image as an expression that is transversal to all artistic practices, crossing languages of experimental film, performance, photography, and cinema.

The Video Art Screenings of the Azores, besides being a platform for the exhibition of the works created in the context of the “Moving Image Lab”, presents thematic sessions with works — historical and contemporary —, by Portuguese and international artists, programmed by internationally renowned curators.

In this way FUSO INSULAR fulfils its mission to train local artists, disseminate Portuguese art and enrich the cultural offer in the Azores, enriching the general knowledge of the population, while building new audiences.