FUSO 2010 Programação > 28 a 31 de Julho

28 Julho, 19h

Inauguração BES Arte & Finança


VIDEOKUNST Record > Again!
40 Jahre Videokunst.de
A Vídeo Arte Alemã

Patente ao público até 31 Agosto
Duração total da projeção (loop contínuo) 59’30’’


Klaus Rinke, Inhalation (Inalação), Alemanha, 1971, 3’43’’

Heike Mutter, Ekstase 1 (Êxtase 1), Alemanha, 1998, 7’

C. O. Paeffgen, Erst das Hemd, dann die Kunst (Primeiro a Camisa, Depois a Arte), Alemanha, 1975, 9’59’’

Ulrike Rosenbach & Klaus vom Bruch, Good Luck for a Better Art (Boa Sorte Para uma Melhor Arte), Alemanha, 1977, 5’12’’

Ursula Wevers, Horizontales/Vertikales Springen (Saltos Horizontais/Verticais), Alemanha, 1979, 12’29’’


28 Julho, 22h

BES Arte & Finança

VALIE EXPORT – Expanded Cinema

Duração total 34’57’’

VALIE EXPORT, Touch Cinema, Áustria, 1968, Beta SP (expanded cinema, loop), P&B, som, 1’08’’

VALIE EXPORT, Cuts: Elements of Observation, Alemanha,1971-74, Beta SP, P&B, som, 16’34’’

VALIE EXPORT, Adjunct Dislocations II, Alemanha,1973-78, Beta SP, P&B, som, 17’15’’


28 Julho, 22h45

CARPE DIEM Arte e Pesquisa
Videastas contemporâneos em Heure Exquise!
Seleção apresentada por Thierry Destriez

Duração total 38’63’’

Laëtitia Bourget, L’Eveil, França, 2008, HD, 10’

Gabriela Golder, Domestico, Argentina, 2007, DV Pal, 1’30’’

Gabriela Golder, La Logica de la Supervivencia, Argentina, 2008, DV Pal, 6’

Sabine Massenet, The End

  • Sabine Massenet, Bande Annonce, 2009, DV Pal, 4’17’’
    Sabine Massenet, Last Dance, França, 2009, DV Pal, versão monocanal, 6’
    Sabine Massenet, Fire, França, 2009, DV Pal, 1’16’’

Noëmi Sjöberg, Besós River, Espanha, 2009, DV Pal, 10’


28 Julho, 23h30

Open Call 
CARPE DIEM Arte e Pesquisa
1ª Sessão de projeção competitiva do Open Call do FUSO 2010 aos artistas portugueses, com seleção de Elsa Aleluia

Duração total da projeção 59’46’’

Miguel Bonneville, Landscape of Faillure, Portugal, 4’10’’

Marta Alvim, Devir/To Become, Portugal, 3’08’’

Luís Sezões, Resposta ao Meireles, Portugal, 2’53’’

Andrea Inocêncio, Ai! Má Companhia #1, Portugal, 4’51’’

Clara Games, Hunger, Portugal, 5’

Alexandre Reigada, Screen Test, Portugal, 7’51’’

Filipe André Alves, Para ser Grande sê Inteiro, Portugal, 4’35’’

Prémio Aquisição PLMJ
Raquel Schefer, Avó (Muidumbe), Portugal, 10’49’’

Mara Castilho, Walking the Line between West and East, Portugal, 1’04’’

Joana Dilão & Noële Georg, Kings and Queens and Lovers, Portugal, 11’37’’

Carlos Godinho, Test Video, Portugal, 5’48’’


29 Julho, 22h

Goethe Institut
Tapes of friends that I still like
Uma seleção de Marcel Odenbach da coleção 40yearsvideoart, ZKM, Karlsruhe

Duração total da projeção 59’27’’

Jochen Gerz, Rufen bis zur Erschöpfung (To Cry Until Exhaustion), Alemanha, 1972, 19’30’’

Valie Export, Raumsehen und Raumhören (Seeing Space and Hearing Space), Alemanha, 1974, 4’58’’

Ulrike Rosenbach, Tanz für eine Frau (Dance for One Woman), Alemanha, 1974, 8’

Jean-François Guiton, Holzstücke (Wood Pieces), Alemanha, 1982, 6’

Dieter Kiessling, Vorhänge (Curtains), Alemanha, 1982-86, 1’30’’

Marina Abramović & Ulay, City of Angels, Alemanha, 1983, 20’09’’


29 Julho, 23h30

Goethe Institut
Tapes of friends that I still like
Uma seleção de Marcel Odenbach da coleção 40yearsvideoart, ZKM, Karlsruhe

Duração total da projeção 61’35’’

Ingo Günther, Fünf Fünfzig im Dunkel (Fifty-five in the dark), Alemanha, 1985, 5’50’’

Angela Melitopoulos, Transfer, Alemanha, 1992, 12’23’’

Rosemarie Trockel, Buffalo Billy+Milly, Alemanha, 2000, 5’45’’

Christian Jankowski, The Holy Artwork, Alemanha, 2001, 15’52’’

Corinna Shnitt, Das schlafende Mädchen (The sleeping girl), Alemanha, 2001, 8’30’’

Jeanne Faust, Interview, Alemanha, 2003, 9’

Jan Verbeek, On a Wednesday Night in Tokyo, Alemanha, 2004, 5’35’’


30 Julho, 22h

Museu Coleção Berardo
Curadoria de Sergio Edelsztein, Center for Contemporary Art/VideoZone, Telavive
Colaboração do Center for Contemporary Art/VideoZone, Telavive

Duração total da projeção 58’39’’


David Reeb, Bil’in, 18.5.2007, Israel, 2008, 9’50’’

Avi Mograbi, Details 2 & 3, Israel, 2004, 9’50’’

Yossi Attia & Itamar Rose, The State of Judeo-Arabia, Israel, 2007, 4’30’’

Raafat Hattab, Untitled, Israel, 2009, 3’50’’

Yael Bartana, A Declaration, Israel, 2006, 7’55’’

Yael Bartana, Summercamp, Israel, 2007, 10’50’’

Yael Bartana, Wall & Tower, Israel, 2009, 13’54’’


30 Julho, 23h30

Museu Coleção Berardo
Open Call 

2ª Sessão de projeção competitiva do Open Call do FUSO 2010 aos artistas portugueses, com seleção de Elsa Aleluia

Duração total da projeção 69’03’’

José Maçãs de Carvalho, Des Voeux Road (forever young), Portugal, 3’48’’

Paula Albuquerque, GMT minus 5, Portugal, 5’01’’

Susana Moura, Rodoviária Nacional, Portugal, 1’44’’

Cláudia Clemente, Amor, Portugal, 5’44’’

André Uerba, Aquarium, Portugal, 1’03’’

Pedro Maia, Arize (Zona), Portugal, 10’

Prémio do Público
Rui Mourão, Por Bem, Portugal, 6’43’’

André Pinto, La Petite Mort, Portugal, 4’57’’

Pedro Henriques, Forest of Confusion, Portugal, 8’

Sérgio Cruz, Exótica, Portugal, 5’

David Bonneville, Éden, Portugal, 1’17’’

Julieta do Vale, Futuro Próximo, Portugal, 4’40’’

João Ó, Lost Portrait, Portugal, 1’30’’

Nuno Rodrigues de Sousa, Sobreposição a Negro, Portugal, 11’36’’


31 Julho, 22h

Museu Coleção Berardo
Deutschland und ich (Germany and me), Marcel Odenbach, Colónia
Sessão de Artista

Com colaboração do Goethe Institut – Lisboa e da Fundação PLMJ
Duração total da projeção 64’30’’


Marcel Odenbach, Der Dialoge zwischen Ost und West (Dialogue between East and West), França, 1978, P&B, som, 3’30’’

Marcel Odenbach, Die Distanz zwischen mir und meinen Verlusten (The Distance between Myself and my Losses), Alemanha, 1983, cor, som, 11’

Marcel Odenbach, As if memories could deceive me, EUA, produzido para o Cat-Fund Boston, 1986, cor, som, 17’30’’

Marcel Odenbach, Hitzefrei (Heat wave), Alemanha, 2001, com Rosemarie Trockel, P&B, som, 5’

Marcel Odenbach, Das große Fenster (The Big Window), Alemanha, 2001, cor, som, 12’20’’

Marcel Odenbach, Im Kreise drehen (Turning in Circles), Polónia, produzido pelo Goethe Institut, 2009, cor, som, 15’50’’


31 Julho, 23h30

Museu Coleção Berardo
Encontro de Marcel Odenbach com o público


31 Julho, 0h

Museu Coleção Berardo
Ich und die weite Welt (Eu e o Vasto Mundo), Marcel Odenbach, Colónia
Sessão de Artista

Com colaboração do Goethe Institut – Lisboa e da Fundação PLMJ
Duração total da projeção 64’


Marcel Odenbach, Vorurteile oder Die Not macht Erfinderisch (Prejudice or Necessity is the Mother of Invention), Alemanha/Brasil, 1984, cor, som, 8’

Marcel Odenbach, Estar de Pie es no Caerse (Standing Is Not Falling Down), Espanha, 1989, produzido para a televisão Espanhola, cor, som, 5’

Marcel Odenbach, Zu Schön Um Wahr Zu Sein (Too beautiful to be true), Venezuela, 2000, produzido pelo Goethe Institut, cor, som, 9’40’’

Marcel Odenbach, Männergeschichten 1 (I Man’s Stuff), Istambul/Colónia, 2003, cor, som, 10’

Marcel Odenbach, In stillen Wassern lauern Krokodile (In still waters crocodiles lurk), Ruanda/Alemanha, 2004, cor, som, 31’20’’


31 Julho, 1h

Museu Coleção Berardo
Entrega dos prémios do Júri e do Público do Open Call a artistas portugueses com Finissage

“FUSO 2010 – Program”

July 28-31

July 28th, 7pm

Openning BES Arte & Finança

VIDEOKUNST Record > Again!
40 Jahre Videokunst.de
Open to the public until August 31st

Total running time (continuous loop) 59’30’’


Klaus Rinke, Inhalation (Inalação), Alemanha, 1971, 3’43’’

Heike Mutter, Ekstase 1 (Êxtase 1), Alemanha, 1998, 7’

C. O. Paeffgen, Erst das Hemd, dann die Kunst (Primeiro a Camisa, Depois a Arte), Alemanha, 1975, 9’59’’

Ulrike Rosenbach & Klaus vom Bruch, Good Luck for a Better Art (Boa Sorte Para uma Melhor Arte), Alemanha, 1977, 5’12’’

Ursula Wevers, Horizontales/Vertikales Springen (Saltos Horizontais/Verticais), Alemanha, 1979, 12’29’’


July 28th, 10pm

VALIE EXPORT – Expanded Cinema

Total running time 34’57’’


VALIE EXPORT, Touch Cinema, Áustria, 1968, Beta SP (expanded cinema, loop), P&B, som, 1’08’’

VALIE EXPORT, Cuts: Elements of Observation, Alemanha,1971-74, Beta SP, P&B, som, 16’34’’

VALIE EXPORT, Adjunct Dislocations II, Alemanha,1973-78, Beta SP, P&B, som, 17’15’’


July 28th, 10:45pm

CARPE DIEM Arte e Pesquisa
Contemporary woman video artists at Heure Exquise!
Works selected by Thierry Destriez

Total running time 39’03’’


Laëtitia Bourget, L’Eveil, França, 2008, HD, 10’

Gabriela Golder, Domestico, Argentina, 2007, DV Pal, 1’30’’

Gabriela Golder, La Logica de la Supervivencia, Argentina, 2008, DV Pal, 6’

Sabine Massenet, The End

  • Sabine Massenet, Bande Annonce, 2009, DV Pal, 4’17’’
    Sabine Massenet, Last Dance, França, 2009, DV Pal, versão monocanal, 6’
    Sabine Massenet, Fire, França, 2009, DV Pal, 1’16’’

Noëmi Sjöberg, Besós River, Espanha, 2009, DV Pal, 10’



July 28th, 11:30pm

Open Call
1st Competitive screening session of FUSO 2010’s Open Call to Portuguese artists, works selected by Elsa Aleluia

Total running time 59’46’’


Miguel Bonneville, Landscape of Faillure, Portugal, 4’10’’

Marta Alvim, Devir/To Become, Portugal, 3’08’’

Luís Sezões, Resposta ao Meireles, Portugal, 2’53’’

Andrea Inocêncio, Ai! Má Companhia #1, Portugal, 4’51’’

Clara Games, Hunger, Portugal, 5’

Alexandre Reigada, Screen Test, Portugal, 7’51’’

Filipe André Alves, Para ser Grande sê Inteiro, Portugal, 4’35’’

PLMJ Acquisition Award
Raquel Schefer, Avó (Muidumbe), Portugal, 10’49’’

Mara Castilho, Walking the Line between West and East, Portugal, 1’04’’

Joana Dilão & Noële Georg, Kings and Queens and Lovers, Portugal, 11’37’’

Carlos Godinho, Test Video, Portugal, 5’48’’


July 29th, 10pm

Goethe Institut
Tapes of friends that I still like
Works selected by Marcel Odenbach from the collection 40yearsvideoart, ZKM, Karlsruhe

Total running time 59’27’’


Jochen Gerz, Rufen bis zur Erschöpfung (To Cry Until Exhaustion), Alemanha, 1972, 19’30’’

Valie Export, Raumsehen und Raumhören (Seeing Space and Hearing Space), Alemanha, 1974, 4’58’’

Ulrike Rosenbach, Tanz für eine Frau (Dance for One Woman), Alemanha, 1974, 8’

Jean-François Guiton, Holzstücke (Wood Pieces), Alemanha, 1982, 6’

Dieter Kiessling, Vorhänge (Curtains), Alemanha, 1982-86, 1’30’’

Marina Abramović & Ulay, City of Angels, Alemanha, 1983, 20’09’’


July 29th, 11:30pm

Goethe Institut
Tapes of friends that I still like
Works selected by Marcel Odenbach from the collection 40yearsvideoart, ZKM, Karlsruhe

Total running time 61’35’’


Ingo Günther, Fünf Fünfzig im Dunkel (Fifty-five in the dark), Alemanha, 1985, 5’50’’

Angela Melitopoulos, Transfer, Alemanha, 1992, 12’23’’

Rosemarie Trockel, Buffalo Billy+Milly, Alemanha, 2000, 5’45’’

Christian Jankowski, The Holy Artwork, Alemanha, 2001, 15’52’’

Corinna Shnitt, Das schlafende Mädchen (The sleeping girl), Alemanha, 2001, 8’30’’

Jeanne Faust, Interview, Alemanha, 2003, 9’

Jan Verbeek, On a Wednesday Night in Tokyo, Alemanha, 2004, 5’35’’


July 30th, 10pm

Museu Coleção Berardo
Curated by Sergio Edelsztein, Center for Contemporary Art/VideoZone, Tel Aviv
Collaboration of Center for Contemporary Art/VideoZone, Tel Aviv

Total running time 58’39’’


David Reeb, Bil’in, 18.5.2007, Israel, 2008, 9’50’’

Avi Mograbi, Details 2 & 3, Israel, 2004, 9’50’’

Yossi Attia & Itamar Rose, The State of Judeo-Arabia, Israel, 2007, 4’30’’

Raafat Hattab, Untitled, Israel, 2009, 3’50’’

Yael Bartana, A Declaration, Israel, 2006, 7’55’’

Yael Bartana, Summercamp, Israel, 2007, 10’50’’

Yael Bartana, Wall & Tower, Israel, 2009, 13’54’’


July 30th, 11:30pm 

Museu Coleção Berardo
Open Call 
2nd Competitive screening session of FUSO 2010’s Open Call to Portuguese artists, works selected by Elsa Aleluia

Total running time 69’03’’


José Maçãs de Carvalho, Des Voeux Road (forever young), Portugal, 3’48’’

Paula Albuquerque, GMT minus 5, Portugal, 5’01’’

Susana Moura, Rodoviária Nacional, Portugal, 1’44’’

Cláudia Clemente, Amor, Portugal, 5’44’’

André Uerba, Aquarium, Portugal, 1’03’’

Pedro Maia, Arize (Zona), Portugal, 10’

Audience Award
Rui Mourão, Por Bem, Portugal, 6’43’’

André Pinto, La Petite Mort, Portugal, 4’57’’

Pedro Henriques, Forest of Confusion, Portugal, 8’

Sérgio Cruz, Exótica, Portugal, 5’

David Bonneville, Éden, Portugal, 1’17’’

Julieta do Vale, Futuro Próximo, Portugal, 4’40’’

João Ó, Lost Portrait, Portugal, 1’30’’

Nuno Rodrigues de Sousa, Sobreposição a Negro, Portugal, 11’36’’


July 31st, 10pm

Museu Coleção Berardo
Deutschland und ich (Germany and me), Marcel Odenbach, Cologne, Germany
Artist’s session
With the collaboration of Goethe Institut – Lisbon and Fundação PLMJ

Total running time 64’30’’


Marcel Odenbach, Der Dialoge zwischen Ost und West (Dialogue between East and West), França, 1978, P&B, som, 3’30’’

Marcel Odenbach, Die Distanz zwischen mir und meinen Verlusten (The Distance between Myself and my Losses), Alemanha, 1983, cor, som, 11’

Marcel Odenbach, As if memories could deceive me, EUA, produzido para o Cat-Fund Boston, 1986, cor, som, 17’30’’

Marcel Odenbach, Hitzefrei (Heat wave), Alemanha, 2001, com Rosemarie Trockel, P&B, som, 5’

Marcel Odenbach, Das große Fenster (The Big Window), Alemanha, 2001, cor, som, 12’20’’

Marcel Odenbach, Im Kreise drehen (Turning in Circles), Polónia, produzido pelo Goethe Institut, 2009, cor, som, 15’50’’


July 31st, 11:30pm

Museu Coleção Berardo
A meeting with Marcel Odenbach and the audience


July 31st, 0am

Museu Coleção Berardo
Deutschland und ich (Germany and me), Marcel Odenbach, Cologne, Germany
Artist’s session
With the collaboration of Goethe Institut – Lisbon and Fundação PLMJ

Total running time 64’


Marcel Odenbach, Vorurteile oder Die Not macht Erfinderisch (Prejudice or Necessity is the Mother of Invention), Alemanha/Brasil, 1984, cor, som, 8’

Marcel Odenbach, Estar de Pie es no Caerse (Standing Is Not Falling Down), Espanha, 1989, produzido para a televisão Espanhola, cor, som, 5’

Marcel Odenbach, Zu Schön Um Wahr Zu Sein (Too beautiful to be true), Venezuela, 2000, produzido pelo Goethe Institut, cor, som, 9’40’’

Marcel Odenbach, Männergeschichten 1 (I Man’s Stuff), Istambul/Colónia, 2003, cor, som, 10’

Marcel Odenbach, In stillen Wassern lauern Krokodile (In still waters crocodiles lurk), Ruanda/Alemanha, 2004, cor, som, 31’20’’


July 31st, 1am

Museu Coleção Berardo
Jury’s announcement and Public Prize of FUSO 2010’s Open Call to Portuguese artists with Finissage