Navina Neverla

“It doesn’t actually matter through which medium you are expressing something – what is important is the merging of something within myself with what I do. That these aren’t two disparate things anymore. Not: Okay, I am doing this movement – but I AM THIS MOVEMENT.”
Jesse Webb, Protagonist of Moveo ergo sum 


“In her essayistic documentary Navina investigates via peotic images and a calm and precise cinematography, through a polyphony of voices, the healing effect of movement on the human soul.”
Prof. for Visual Communication: Udo Engel, at HFBK Academy of fine Arts, Hamburg



Navina Neverla, 1984, Munich, DE. Nomadic & cultural hybrid, works as an artist in the Performing Arts & Timebased Media. She is interested in themes such as limits, transcendence or liminality. She also works in Curation, Cultural Management and has been part of the Jury Interfilm Akademie for Filmfest Munich. Master in Creative Practice from Trinity Laban & Independent Dance, London, UK (2015). Diploma in Visual Communication (Timebased Media) from Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg & BA in Mediaculture. Participated in the first edition of PACAP1 at Forum Dança under curatorship of Patrícia Portela, where she developed her Performance I SEE YOU_YOU SEE ME (2018) which has been presented internationally ever since in spaces in Portugal, Austria and Germany such as Espaço do Tempo, MOM ART SPACE Hamburg, RAW MATTERS VIENNA, Zaratan – Arte Contemporânea. Her older oeuvre includes the film Moveo ergo sum (2010), shot on super8 with the support of HFBK Hamburg, Group Funding through Kulturbehörde Hamburg & premiered at Kampnagel Hamburg in the context of the cultural swimming festival 2010 and since then screened at a broad variety at international short film festivals.


Artistic direction, camera, montage: Navina Neverla.

Sounddesign Andreas M. Otto & Simon Struck.

Music: Andi M. Otto.

With [Cast]: Angela Delissen, K3 Zentrum für

Choreographie’s: “Jugendclub” under Frederieke Lampert,

Performer: Ella Huck & Katharina Oberlik (Hajusom), Jesse Webb, Ronja Birk, Leon Daniel.

The work was financed by Hamburg’s Swimming Association; through a group funding of Cultural Mininstry of Hamburg (Kulturbehörde), HFBK Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg. With the friendly support of K3 Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg and Kampnagel Zentrum für schönere Künste, Hamburg.

Supports and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Filmmaker and Prof. Pepe Danquart, curator Angela Delissen, Filmmaker Franz Indra, Producer Lena Zimmerhackel, Filmmaker Bernhard Hetzenauer, Filmmaker Il Kang, Filmmaker Eibe Maleen Krebs, Filmmaker Toti Rosa Baches, Dominik Betz, Nuno Fernandes aka DAES. And everyone else that has supported this work, like my family.